summers can get so hot! the humidity makes everything feel so heavy, even jewelry! i decided to make asimple necklace that just feels light and fresh for the long sunny days ahead. this simple wear-all-summer necklace was inspired by a sweet piece i bought a couple years ago at kestrel in northampton, ma. the maker, river song has beautiful pieces, so unique and special. “the collection represents a deeper understanding of what is beautiful and meaningful in this world”. more of that please!! my interpretations are minimalist in styling with tiny gems hop scotching along the nylon thread. more to come on those and i’ll add them to the shop soon!
an along with summer jewelry and the beauty found there, i also find beauty and meaning in cooking! i love summer recipes! family and friends have been in town visiting and i love to scour my recipe books for inspiration. pesto, whipped feta with roasted tomatoes, blueberry buckle…i’ve been busy over here! next up….summer recipies!!
i’m not sure why it is, but this year more than ever i am all about summer!! moving to massachusetts from ohio has had many challenges attached to it, leaving family and friends the biggest! summer plays a new role in my life because of it. it brightens my spirit thinking about the visits in the coming months! about what we’ll do, where we’ll go, what we’re going to eat, and how i can make their visit cozy and surprising. it’s time to catch up, and relax with the people that already know and love us! it brings opportunities for outdoor dinners, happy hour on the porch, road trips, sitting in the sun with a good book and all the spontaneous fun that summer promises! it also makes me think of childhood. long days playing outside, riding bikes in the neighborhood, having friends right down the street to play with day or night - some that are still in my life today. the proximity! just walking to their houses and knocking on the door! that just seems crazy now! other highlights - popsicles, pool parties, carnivals and going on our annual vacation to cedar point! days felt so much longer then. everything simple and colorful!
cheers to summer!!
🍓 ~ karla
i have a habit of collecting! shells, pebbles, driftwood, moss…all kinds of beauty found while out and about. i can’t stop myself. sometimes these little treasures stay in my pockets and fall out in the wash, and other times they sit and wait until just the right project comes along! the twigs for this particular project have been waiting to shine! collected from beaches, walks around the pond and broken bits from other projects. i knew they would eventually find a home!!
each twig, cut to size, drilled and threaded on string. simple and personal! i sprinkled larimar (a beautiful blue gemstone) here and there to add bit of interest and color. just right!!
these are the little things that make my home special!
fifteen years with us and i’m just heart broken to say good bye to him. the best dog ever!! my friend and best buddy. i could go on and on of course, but i’m sitting in a coffee shop and the tears are flowing, so i’ll keep it short.
adopted from the columbus dog connection and a huge challenge to get him. i was sure we wouldn’t measure up to their strict application, documented history with previous pets, interview and home inspection. in addition, small children and no fenced-in yard almost cut us from contention.
but i was determined! and that determination paid off!
he was everything we could have hoped for
an old soul full of love and loyalty.
from my favorite book on the subject beloved dog
“and it is very true, that the most tender, uncomplicated, most generous part of our being blossoms, without any effort, when it comes to the love of a dog.”
rest in peace pete!
whenever the mood strikes, one of my favorite ways to refresh my house is to rearrange furniture! it is the best!! it makes everything new again. there are not many big changes i can make, but that doesn’t discourage me. the couch can only go here or there, but i’m still satisfied. smaller items make more of the impact. side tables, chairs, accessories all tweaked in some way. a perfect time for cleaning, vacuuming and dusting. new things are added from other parts of the house, others tucked away. home alone with music blaring is also required. sometimes if i’m feeling it i’ll make a new pillow or two which is just the icing on the cake. usually, my family doesn’t even notice. just one of the things they’ve learned to expect i guess. yes, it’s one of my small ways of living artfully.
last year i bought a fiddle leaf fig. they bring so much life to a space and are so cool. all over instagram and pinterest in the best rooms! anyway, yea, i wanted one! i put it in my room and as time went by i could see it was not happy. browning leaves and no new growth. those brown leaves would eventually fall off and it was getting smaller and more sickly. i had to take action. tried more water, less water, different rooms, but nothing helped. finally decided as a last resort to put it on my front porch. warm summer air and no direct light. it loved it! perked right up and started to thrive! i put the rest of my succulents out there and they also loved it! in the fall, i brought them all into studio 2m (the brightest room in the house) and they have been happy. excited to get them back on the porch soon so they can really enjoy the weather. seeing them grow gives me confidence….i can do this! next up, propagation!
matcha! a new friend of mine. it wasn’t a “love at first sight” kind of attraction, but we’re getting there.
a bit too earthy at first, but i’m going for the health benefits, so i did it for me, a better me that i want to move toward.
but, little by little, i’m loving it. feeling a little hug every time i have a cup. the key, adding a tiny bit of milk (goat’s milk in my case) for the sensitive tummy, and it is a lot more palatable, even yummy! now just waiting for the metabolism boost, antioxidants, detox, and improved mood! yea, i want all of that!
also, some extra special ways to enjoy:
match smoothie- with warm coconut milk and a tiny splash of agave.
matcha mojito-1/4 t matcha, 3/4c sparkling water, 3T rum, 2T lime juice, handful mint leaves, 2 handfuls ice, 1t agave.
i love to try new projects in the studio and i really get into the beauty of organizing or refreshing a space. so many things i’ve been meaning to do but haven’t. well, i guess now is the time! with so much extra time at home, i have no more excuses. and yes, it feels good to have a fresh “canvas” to leave my mark and add my kind of beauty all over the house. big and sometimes very small. watercolor painting, writing letters, organizing studio closets and cabinets and creating regular posts about all of that on this page. living an artful life! that really is what it’s all about! so, i’m challenging myself to keep up with my online journal and documenting daily efforts to live artfully!
watercolor! i resisted getting into all of these beautiful art supplies from a friend because i didn’t want to waste anything and i had no idea where to begin. i finally did it and it just makes me happy. i keep it on my kitchen table and sketch and paint….learning as i go.
i love love camping in the fall!! the fresh air and beautiful sky, i just can’t get enough of it!
and making my outdoor home beautiful just adds to the fun! tablecloth, flowers, air mattress, blankets and pillows from home are a must.
add some reading material, strong coffee, good food and wine and we’re all set for the weekend!
it is a bit of a pain to pack up the entire car with all that we need….but well worth it!
happy camper!!
blueberry pie!
a sweet dessert made with no advance notice, no planning, no running to the store. just the fact that i came acrosse the recipe and had everything that i needed without another trip to the store was almost as sweet as the pie itself! i am even know to go to the grocery more than once a day, just can't get my act together with that.
anyway....had everything for this yummy pie and it came out looking pretty good too!
sundays are my favorite day to cook something i've never tried before or an old classic. it just makes me happy to be working in the kitchen making something good without too much stress. it may come out good, it may not. i may have it ready at 6, it may not be ready till 8....doesn't matter, it's more about enjoying the activity, being in the center of the house while george and the kids run in and out, and sometimes just by myself with music on lost in my own little world.
coffee table books, cookbooks, decorating and diy, just a few of the book categories i swoon over. (and i'm always up for a good self-help book too) i reserve books at the library often and decide which ones i should buy for my collection. i'm also always getting good recommendations on social media or just by browsing book stores and amazon. weekends are always a little sweeter when i have tried a new recipe or project i read about.
these books are beautiful and inspiring. i like them out in stacks, sometimes opened up to a pretty page i can glimpse at as i walk by.
this weekend i was all excited about my new "the forest feast" gatherings cookbook. i bought it for my niece for a shower gift and fell in love, i have one too! (thanks to george)
baked garlic with brie,
crispy kale with paprika and truffle salt,
parmesan snap peas, sausage,
potato and white bean soup
those are the recipes we enjoyed this weekend and there are so many more good ones. in addition, pretty ideas for simple entertaining! let's just hope the weather gets warm enough one of these days.
bon apetite!
joyful individuals with bold ambitions!
the boden catalog is always something i get excited about when i spot it in my mailbox, almost as much as the anthropologie catalog. the clothes are colorful and fresh. and i just love it! but it's not just the's the copywriting too. i have torn out several pages, great one-liners, that i tape up in my studio...or right in the kitchen for all to enjoy. they are really good...and they just make me happy!
sometimes it's the little things.
i've wanted to jump back into my blog, but have struggled with where to begin again. it's been so long since my last post. and more than that, i just haven't been disciplined enough about my blog. i know consistency is key....and that is not what i have produced so far for sure. my problem is, i only feel compelled to post when i'm really "into" something. so a schedule does not always mesh well with inspiration.
so here i am, giving it another try, my an artful life!
living an artful life for me is a way at looking at whatever i'm doing with a more thoughtful eye. finding the beauty, having fun, making the ordinary a little more special.
so...a couple of recent moments over easter weekend that brought me joy:
driving past gramma minnie's old house in cleveland! so many memories here of family parties, aunts, uncles, cousins, annual visits to the feast and always a lot of really good food being made and eaten!
an easter diy i had to try, and much easier than i expected. nail polish and warm water is all it is. just swirl with tooth pick and drag eggs in. that's it! definitely the prettiest eggs i've ever created. and an easter tradition...pizzelles. the beauty of the pattern and the memories make me so happy!
more to come!
it feels amazing to enjoy open windows and bright sunshine. time for heading outside, time for creating with spring and summer in mind. recently i had an opportunity to work with a couple amazing artists to put another photo shoot together. new spring totes, scarves and jewelry....looking beautiful on a sunny afternoon!
my absolute favorite magazine for inspiration....anthology! a celebration of makers, design and travel. i can't even crack it open without time to really enjoy it. this includes a comfy place to read, time to linger and sometimes take a nap, and a refreshing beverage. i don't have a subscription, not sure why, so it requires me to go to my local anthropologie for the latest copy. and i am never disappointed to make the trip!
artist anandamyi arnold
every page a feast of beauty and inspiration and recipes too. makes me want to re-decorate, make, cook and play. but usually I just savor every page and go back to my life as it is, happy to have visited.
this is the time of year that I have a bit more time to work on my process. when I am busy creating for upcoming shows, I get overwhelmed and the process goes out the door. i jump from one project to another and often can't compete things because something else needs to be done first.
under perfect conditions, I like to have straps, tags, and pouches ready to go, and that can be easier said than many little things to tend to
bella studio leather tags that must be cut and heat-stamped,
leather straps for crossbody purses and totes need to be cut and fitted with clips and brads,
cowhide tags cut and punched for earrings,
and then there's the pouches for jewelry items that need to be dip-dyed, rinsed, ironed and stamped (I really can't believe how much time those bags take) but that is important to me, and I love when customers get all excited about them!
so many details go into making my designs one-of-a kind....and those little things are what make each piece completely and beautifully...
bella studio
i've been working hard since the first of the year to get my studio space picked up and ready for a new season of creating. i tend to make a huge mess as i work, which is fine for a while but eventually it takes it's toll. was time to clean up, clear out and make things pretty in my not so pretty space.
the new additions really add to the "ambiance"....and i am loving it!
new area rugs and café lights!!
i've even created a couple new banners from scrap fabric to soften things up a bit.
it is as awesome as an unfinished space can be, and that's good enough for me.
now i can get back to the work of creating!
i don't think i'll ever tire of the beauty of indigo! the shades are pure and natural. to have these fabrics in your home is embracing natural beauty! and that makes me happy!!
art festivals,
special events,
it's been all that and more!
and I refuse to consider summer over...
more to come!
just stopping and taking time to enjoy the beautiful summer evenings is the best way to make it last as long as possible! my to-do list includes some of the following:
reading books, dinner with neighbors, star gazing, sunsets, and enjoying family and friends.
that's what summer is all about!